Muhammad Azizul Hakim

I'm a Software Engineer with 2 years of industry experience. Experienced in systems software development, Linux kernel programming and device driver development. |


Work Experience

Application Developer. August 2016-Present

Research and development of automated malware detection and analysis system using live virtual machine introspection.

Technologies Used: C, Go, Python, LibVMI, XEN Hypervisor

Student Developer. May 2015-September 2015

Developed a Linux device driver beagleusb for ARM CPU based computing device and corresponding android application to use android device as a USB display, speaker, keyboard and mouse.

  • The device driver will register a USB connected android device as a standalone sound card, usb monitor and usb keyboard/mouse.
  • The android application is responsible to send/receive data to/from the device driver and show it in application container.
  • A youtube video to show the driver and application in action.

Technologies Used: C, Android, Bash Scripting

Graduate Assistant. August 2013-August 2016

Conducted research work in collaboration with Applied Research Center’ FIU to detect kernel level malware in Windows system and helped with the proposal writing which later got accepted and funded by Department of Defense.

  • Develop a Windows device driver for Windows XP. The driver will instrument kernel API and collect API parameters to generate a whitelist of the legitimate kernel API calls.
  • The whitelist is later used to differentiate and identify any anomaly in the system.

Technologies Used: C, Python

Software Engineer. May 2012-July 2013

Worked on continuous improvement and feature implementation of Vizrt’s Media Management solution.

  • Viz Media Logger: Worked as a team member for developing the media asset management solution.
  • VDFEditor: Worked as a team member for continuously enhancing the Vizrt Data Format editor.

Technologies Used: C#

Open Source Contribution

  • Participated in Google Summer of Code' 2015 and developed a Linux device driver and an Android application.
  • Contributed code to virtual machine introspection library LibVMI.
  • Participated in open source developer program and developed a secured CMS using
  • Published an NPM package for data streaming API based session store.